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If you are interested in setting up a business or investing in Ireland, we provide a range of services.

We can arrange for company registration with the appropriate authorities either as a resident or non-resident company and can provide company secretarial services.

Our bookkeeping and tax team can arrange for routine bookkeeping and the filing of all relevant tax returns. Where required, we can secure the services of Accountancy, Auditing and Legal Professionals on your behalf.

We can also assist with various management functions of your business in Ireland, from providing HR services to administrative functions.

If you are still looking for investment opportunities, we can act as your agent in dealing with local contacts or we are happy for you to commission us to seek investment opportunities on your behalf.

You may also wish to use your business or investment as an opportunity to come and live in Ireland. Certain high-net-worth investors can obtain residence in Ireland through their investments. Those who do not meet the conditions of that scheme may still be able to obtain regular business visas or work permits to allow them to conduct business or work in Ireland. We can assist with all steps of these programmes.

Office Address:

Dame St, Dublin, Ireland

Phone Number:

+353 834001658

Email Address :
